仿生学院 Biomimicry Institute

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仿生学院(Biomimicry Institute)是一家非盈利组织,旨在促进效仿自然高效设计的研究,把科学家、工程师、建筑设计师及创新者集中起来使用这些仿生成果,创造更加可持续的技术。仿生学院为专业人员提供短期的作坊培训及为期2年的资质培训,并帮助开发和共享与仿生相关的高等教育课程内容等。它并不从事仿生研究,而是建立一个资源和信息的交换平台。该学院的总裁为:Janine Benyus教授。目前正在试运营一个项目称:ask nature.

The Biomimicry Institute is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together scientists, engineers, architects and innovators who can use those models to create sustainable technologies. The Biomimicry Institute offers short-term workshops and two-year certificate courses in biomimicry for professionals, and helps to develop and share biomimicry-related curricula used in a range of educational venues, from K-12 classrooms to universities, as well as in non-formal settings such as zoos and museums. The Biomimicry Institute does not conduct its own research; rather, it serves as a clearinghouse and resource for those who do. The president is Prof. Janine Benyus.