2012-06-09 CYCAN国际部志愿者招募

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中国青年应对气候变化行动网络 CYCAN )国 部志愿者招募啦!

截止日期: 6 月 9 日

申请链接: http://www.51qiangda.com/forms/4fbe8ccab3e57c652c00000b



关注 保, 心公益;

研究气候政策,关心国 气候 判;

关注青年成 ,希望 世界听到中国青年的声音;

或者,你 仅仅 是以一颗赤子之心 热爱 着自然。


那么我 们诚挚 地邀 请 你 加入 我 们 的 团队 ,一起来 MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


【我 …】

CYCAN (China Youth Climate Action Network, 简称CYCAN) 是中国最大的由青年自主发起的 应对气候变化和清洁能源领域的非营利组织。 自成立以来,超过300所高校曾参与CYCAN组织或发起的活动,有力地推动了青年人了解、认识并积极参与气候变化的进程,并为有能力的有志青年提供成长的平台和机会。

CYCAN国 际 部是CYCAN 与国外青年环保组织联络交流的重要渠道。它是由 一群拥有着共同的愿景--促进中国青年与国际社会的交流合作,提高中国青年在国际社会气候变化领域的影响力—而聚集在一起的 中国留学生组成, 自成立以来,国际部已 与Youngo, NRDC, Peace Child International 等多个美国本土与国际环保组织建立了长期而稳定的联系, 并多次输送成员参与如COP15,16,17等大型国际环境气候会议。


*如果你想更多地了解CYCAN或者CYCAN国 际 部, 请登陆CYCAN官网 www.cycan.org 或者查看我们的facebook 主页 http://www.facebook.com/ChinaYouthCAN , 向我们咨询更多信息。


【你的工作 …】









6月9日截止。 我们将在6月18日 前给予你回复。之后递交的申请,我们同样接受。 我们将在一星期内给予你申请确认邮件,并将你的资料放入我们的志愿者联络库中。


如果你有兴趣加入我们的团队,请到 这儿 填写我们的网上申请表。





China Youth Climate Action Network (CYCAN) International is Recruiting!


Application Deadline :  June 9, 2012

Application link http://www.51qiangda.com/forms/4fbe8ccab3e57c652c00000b


If you are…

Concerned about the environment and public welfare;

Eager to research on climate policy and negotiation process;

Caring about youth development, and wishing the world could hear the voice of Chinese youth;

Or, you just love the earth from the bottom of your heart.

Then, we earnestly invite you to be a member of us, together to  MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Who are we


China Youth Climate Action Network (CYCAN) is the first and the biggest youth-initiated non-profit organization on climate change in China. It has mobilized over 300 colleges to participate in climate change activities, and it has greatly promoted the awareness and participation of Chinese youth in combating climate changes.


CYCAN International is CYCAN’s communicator with international youth/environmental organizations.  It is a group of Chinese oversea students, who shared the same vision—to promote the exchange and cooperation between the China youth and the international society, and to strengthen the influence of China youth’s participation in the field of climate change. Since its establishment, it has built stable and long-term relationship with organizations like Youngo, NRDC, and Peace Child International. It has also organized delegations of Chinese youth to attend COP15, 16, and 17.


If you want to know more about us, please visit our website  www.cycan.org , or check out our Facebook page  http://www.facebook.com/ChinaYouthCAN for more information.


What do you do

Volunteers’ work is project-based. You will work together with people with the same passion on climate change and environmental issues. You will work on different projects according to your experience, schedule, and interest in the projects. Our projects include,

Since members of the CYCAN International study and live in all over the world, your work will be mostly done online, and our communication with you will be internet-based--through emails and skype.

What will you gain

*We will select official members of CYCAN International from outstanding volunteers.


What do we expect from you


Application Deadline

The application deadline is June 9, 2012. We will inform you our decision no later than June 18.

Applications received after June 9 will be still accepted. We will send you a confirmation email within one week, and we will put you on our volunteer contact list.


How to Apply

If you are interested in joining us, please go  here to fill out our online application form.